Saturday, May 30, 2009

It wasn't even quiet....

I don't know if you guys remember the event shown below... Bailey was left to her own devices for a few moments and emptied 1/3 of her toy box onto our bed... I thought it was hilarious at the time and giggled to myself, wondering what it would be like when Bailey and Morgan got older and could play together.... Well, I found out sooner then expected.....

Morgan is pleased... can you tell?

There is never a dull moment here at the Shepard house. I love these girls!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009


It has been really hectic and busy around here the past few weeks... We've got a lot of news and updates, so bear with me. I will just hit the highlights as I go... Not a favorite pic of me, but I HAD to show off her bow!

Closer shot. (Thanks again Randi for helping with those.) They're not as big as her head anymore!! Well....

Morgan has stared to roll over! She has been doing it for a week or two... and she's only 4 months old!

This is usually what I find when I come into my room.

Morgan ADORES Bailey.

We had our awesome Uncle Marcus over for dinner. She loves him! And they look a lot alike!!
Dang Shepard genes.... Scovill side had no chance...

Awesome cousin Blake! (Bailey was telling him to look at the camera and smile.)

I love these little girls. They are really starting to enjoy each other.

Bailey ate some cottage cheese.... I think she liked it....

And the grand finale! Morgan smiled on camera!! Her smile melts me!
We also went to the doctor on the 20th and she is still huge!
She weighs 18.5 lbs, she is 25 inches long and her head in 17 1/4 inches.
She is off the charts in weight, 95th in height and 95th in head... Still our big girl.
Dr. Y also told us a little more about the mark on her face. It is called a hemangioma. It is a benign blood vessel tumor and should go away by her second birthday... I think she is beautiful no matter what, but I'm hoping it will go away!!
That's our news as of late. We'll keep ya posted....

Saturday, May 9, 2009

In Memory

I have been avoiding this for some time now... The pain is still fresh and the memories full. Even as I sit here writing this, it is surreal. I lost my best friend and sister (in-law) on Thursday April 30, 2009. I am having a hard time knowing what to do without her here. I guess I am writing this so everyone who didn't know her- can have a glimpse of the woman she was...
Jodi was Bailey's bud. She was loved and adored by Bai. She was kind, giving, compassionate and beautiful! She was my partner in crime and teammate. Since we're both married to Shepard boys- we would call each other and giggle about the silly/obnoxious things they did, that we still don't quite understand... She gave her time, her energy, her life to serving others. She was always smiling and laughing. When Jodi walked into the house--the party started. Her family was her priority. She loved Marcus... they were the perfect match. She loved Ashley and Blake as her own. I am so grateful to know that I will see her again. I am so grateful that I know where she is, that she is safe, that she is happy and has found peace. I am so grateful that I had time with her. I hope she knows how much I love her and miss her. Marcus asked me to write her obituary- (thanks again for trusting me with that, Marcus) so to see it and more pics, go to

I love you Jodi! I miss you...Thank you for being my friend and loving my baby girl. We are both better people having known you...