Monday, November 2, 2009

A whole lotta firsts!!

Although Halloween was the highlight of the week, I would like to start this particular blog with some incredible news! Bailey, my rough and tumble tomboy, became a princess today! It will probably only last for a few hours... To document this special event, I took several photos. There are shoes to match. My hands were trembling with excitement, so I didn't get a clear shot.

A little better. I adore my tomboy/princess!!

Halloween was fun this year. Brock and I couldn't figure out what we wanted Morgan to be. After much deliberation, we put her in a tu-tu, wings and little sister shirt. Brock called her a "Little Sister Fairy." We are SO lame.
On a side note- Morgan is walking!!! She's not even 10 months old yet!!

Bai was Mulan. Here she is showing off her King Fu skillz.

I thought I would keep up the tradition and show the best family pic we took.
No lie, this is the best one we got...

Bailey again. She got lots of candy and had an awesome night!! The first few houses we hit, she wanted either Brock or I to go with her. By house 4, she told us to "stay back" she could "do it by herself."

Here's Mo with her wings. Isn't she an adorable Little Sister Fairy?!?
It grows on you, huh?

And finally, Bailey got a bicycle! She wears her helmet and elbow pads everyday. Now you can see why I am so excited she put on a princess crown!!

First ride.

She loves it!
Hope everyone else had a Happy Halloween!!