Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Silence is golden...unless you have a 2 year old....

For a brief moment today, I enjoyed the typically elusive "quiet moment." Morgan was napping, and Bailey was watching (surprise) Wall*E. I cherish these quiet times-- so I busied myself with laundry, checking emails and sipping soda. Good day!
However, my glorious "quiet moment" was interrupted and concluded when I went into my room to check on the bug. I think she was alone for 15 minutes... I should've known better, right?

1- I was doing laundry...that is why my bed is bare. 2- Doesn't she look proud? And who wouldn't be--she got 65 toys onto my bed in less then 20 minutes! That is quite a feat!

Some close-up shots of the goodies. This is only ONE side of the bed...

After we cleaned up, it was nap time. All her shenanigans wore her out. She body tackled Wall*E and was out.

Morgan slept through the entire event, but was too adorable to leave out... She is 2 months old now... geez.
So, I have learned another valuable lesson: always check in on your two year old. Silence is really only golden at nap time.


Lori Silva

As I am reading your blog, Tae comes up beside me and starts laughing at the pictures of Bailey and her toy extravaganza! I have a feeling I had better keep a close eye on him today so he doesn't create one himself... That's great that you are blessing Morgan this weekend. I wish SO bad that we were closer so we could be there too, sometimes its hard being this far away from you all...