Monday, March 30, 2009

Bailey see...Bailey do....

Bailey LOVES to do everything her little sister does... So when Morgan got into her Boppy for the first time......
She HAD to try it out!

She barely fits, but she loves it.
Gotta love 'em.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bailey, Morgan and "Wall *E" Shepard??

My child is obsessed with Wall*E... And I know this isn't earth shattering news to any of you... but indulge me for a moment... because the "Wall*E obsession 2009" has escalated!
Bailey wears her Wall*E jacket almost everyday. I can't get it into and out of the wash quick enough and it doesn't matter if it is 97 degrees outside, Wall*E is on that girl's body. Bailey also loves Eve and carries the doll with her everywhere. No matter what picture I take, or place I go- Bailey has both of her friends.. on and in tow.... Both endearing and slightly maddening... Bailey wearing Wall*E and carrying Eve.
Bailey jumping on the trampoline...wearing Wall*E and carrying Eve.

Bailey sleeping... wearing (you guessed it) Wall*E and cuddling with Eve.

Now, this has been the norm for months with no complaints here...well minus the battles that ensue when the jacket needs washing... It wasn't until the other day that I became concerned...

Me: What is your name?
Bailey: Bailey Rion Shepard.
Me: What is your sisters name?
Bailey: Morgan Jean Shepard.
Me: What is daddy's name?
Bailey: Daddy Shepard. (cute, I know)
Me: What is my name?
Bailey: Erin Shepard. (Yeah, I get called Erin all the time...)
Me: Awesome Bai! You are so smart!

Bailey looks at me lovingly and gives me a hug and is pleased with herself... as she should be. Then, with the same loving glance- she looks down at her Wall*E jacket and then up at me.

Bailey: Oh Mommy! Wall*E Wall*E Shepard!
We each gave Wall*E a hug and it was then that I realized... he's a part of our family... We could be worse off, right?
I love this kid.. and Wall*E....

Friday, March 20, 2009

New pics and updates...

Randi and her gang were able to come down or Morgan's blessing, so we were able to spend some time with them. Bailey and Logan are really starting to enjoy each other and play well together. It is fun to have them around and I miss my sister like crazy when she's gone. Love ya, Randi-- can't wait to see ya in April or whenever we can get up there.
Side note-- we went to the doctor for Morgan's check up and she weighs 14 lbs 6 oz... Yes, I wrote that correctly. She is in the 95th percentile for weight... She is 22 3/4 inches long (90th percentile) and has a 16 inch dome (70th percentile.) She is a hoss and we love her!
I went to Gymboree and got the girls some matching shirts and dresses, which I love! Here are a few pics of my lovely ladies.
I got her dressed-- she added the accessories.

My girls!

I caught these two in Morgan's bed. They are hilarious.... and mischievous...and two of my favorite little people.
(Be sure to click on the picture for a closer look...Their faces make the shot!)

I think Brock and I are going to be going up to get family pictures soon... Shout out to Gina for her awesome photography skillzz... And we are planting a garden this weekend! Wish us luck!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Morgan's Blessing

Brock and I were able to bless Morgan today. It was a very sweet, powerful blessing and I am so grateful to have a husband who is able and willing to do that for our daughters. Morgan is a special little girl who is going to touch a lot of lives with her strong spirit and willingness to share the gospel. Brock's grandparents were down too, so we had 4 generations there. Pretty awesome. The pictures are out of order- so bear with me. I am still getting used to this blogging stuff....

The bug afterwards. We had a lunch at Brock's parents house. She loves that Hummer truck...

Morgan. Had to show her cute outfit....

When we went home to change, I caught this shot. Priceless. Love these two....

Everyone that came to the blessing-minus a few. Thanks for sharing this with us!!

The only pic I got of her in her dress... I will have to take a few more and post them later.
It was a great day and I am blessed to have these girls and my hubby. I'm a lucky girl.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Silence is golden...unless you have a 2 year old....

For a brief moment today, I enjoyed the typically elusive "quiet moment." Morgan was napping, and Bailey was watching (surprise) Wall*E. I cherish these quiet times-- so I busied myself with laundry, checking emails and sipping soda. Good day!
However, my glorious "quiet moment" was interrupted and concluded when I went into my room to check on the bug. I think she was alone for 15 minutes... I should've known better, right?

1- I was doing laundry...that is why my bed is bare. 2- Doesn't she look proud? And who wouldn't be--she got 65 toys onto my bed in less then 20 minutes! That is quite a feat!

Some close-up shots of the goodies. This is only ONE side of the bed...

After we cleaned up, it was nap time. All her shenanigans wore her out. She body tackled Wall*E and was out.

Morgan slept through the entire event, but was too adorable to leave out... She is 2 months old now... geez.
So, I have learned another valuable lesson: always check in on your two year old. Silence is really only golden at nap time.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Look what I can do!

I have always admired (ok...been insanely jealous of...) "crafty" women. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ladies who can see a dress they like at Macy's so they go home and make it, or can reconstruct a Van Gogh using only felt and q-tips, or create amazing homemade gifts that are 10 times cooler then store bought. My sister is one of these people.... sigh.... I am NOT.... So imagine my great surprise and delight when I, yes I, Erin Shepard made bows!! (Ok, Randi was there... and did the majority of the work...and told me how to do it...) But look how well they turned out..... This is just a few. We made 22.
Morgan sporting her ginormous flower. I am working on the headband...Its a little large for her head....

Side shot of Bailey. You can't really see the bow, but you get the idea...

So THERE Martha Stewart. Although, I still can't sew, or scrapbook, or....