Thursday, December 4, 2008

Houston, we have a problem....

My favorite time of year has (up until today) been fall and winter. I love the cooler climate, the holidays it includes and the lack of humidity. However, this year the weather here in Houston is making me a little crazy. I woke up yesterday to a 76 degree, rainy day. What did we wake up to this morning? 44 degrees!!! How am I supposed to keep up with these changes? I have my AC on in the morning and my heat on at night. Its making me slightly schizophrenic. To add insult to injury, Bailey got a cold. Of course I do not blame my parenting style or even consider it to be a fluke incident that happens to all children. I blame the weather...because I can. And I am well aware that I can watch the news. It doesn't change the fact that the weather around here is ever changing. Ugh.


Lori Silva

I can't help but laugh, because Utah is having a very mild winter this year. We have been in the
50's forever, and there is no snow and no sign of snow in the forcast. Maybe you all should come to Utah to wheather out the winter months.LOL!! But I am sorry to hear that Bailey is sick.

Carol Beck

only the child of your parents and the girl who worked at the psychiatrist office would come up with the schizophrenic comment!!!!


For the record, I am not nearly as pessimistic and ornery about the situation as it seems... Maybe its the hormones... My bad, ya'll...;)


Amen! I agree with you! AND...because I know you I could hear you reading that post...and it wasn't ornery to me...I got it.
Also, I don't think it is the weather making you "schizophrenic" - I think you are pregnant.
At least that was my excuse. :) LOVE YOU!!!