We're a little late posting this week, but I have some cute updated pictures of the girls. Morgan is 3 1/2 weeks old, and Bailey is still my angel baby and the best big sister! With the weather being so finicky lately, we haven't been able to play outside very much. Thankfully, the weather was BEAUTIFUL today, so we got to get out and enjoy it. Here's a few shots we got of our little acrobat.
Bailey jumping on her trampoline. Thanks grandma and grandpa!
She loves to jump. And is (of course) wearing her Wall*E jacket and holding her Eve doll....
Kisses for sister.
Bailey is talking more and more everyday and surprises us with how much she knows. She already knows all the letters of the alphabet and can tell you what each one says. She also loves to sing and can count to 15! She is such an incredible little girl. Morgan likes to eat, sleep and is starting to have a little more alert time every day. She is a cutie and to be honest, that is the only thing that keeps me sane at the 3 am feedings!
Oh, we went to the doctor last week and she is already 9lbs 6 oz. A big girl! Brock and I are lucky to have 'em. We'll keep you updated!
That is some awesome trampoline hair!!
They are too cute! I STILL think Morgan looks just like you, as a matter of fact the older she gets the more my suspisions are confirmed!
I also think you need to do a blog just on the Wall-E, EVE obsession. That is TOO FUNNY!!! What do we expect from the daughter of the Las Vegas belt diva?
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